Prep – Year 6 Teaching and Learning
Australian Curriculum
At Roma State College, all students are provided a quality education to ensure successful learning outcomes. Staff implement the following:
- Know Your Curriculum
- Know Your Students
- Know Your Next steps
- Know Your Teaching Practices
Curriculum leaders and year level teams collaboratively plan units of work. Teaching, assessing, moderating and reporting of student achievement align to the expectations of the Prep – Year 12 Curriculum and Reporting Framework (P-12 CARF) and the Australian Curriculum. The Learning Areas include:
- English
- Mathematics
- Science
- HASS (Humanities and Social Sciences)
- Technologies (Digital Technologies and Design and Technologies)
- The Arts (Dance, Drama, Visual Arts, Music, Media Arts)
- HPE (Health and Physical Education)
Systematic curriculum delivery, effective pedagogical practices and differentiated teaching and learning are a priority at Roma State College to ensure Equity and Excellence for the diverse range of student needs at our school.
Our Explicit Improvement Agenda focuses on Reading, Engagement and Learning. This is supported by:
- Teach Like a Champion
- Science of Reading – Explicit Instruction
- Visible Learning
- Feedback for Learning
Our school takes pride in delivering evidence-based pedagogical practices to improve student learning outcomes. This includes fostering a positive learning environment where systems and routines are in place to maximise learning time.
The effective teaching of reading is a key priority at Roma State College. Our practices adhere to the Simple View of Reading. In the early years we have a strong focus on Word Reading which includes systematic synthetic phonics with application to decodable readers to ensure students 'learn to read'. Phonics and Word Knowledge continue to be a focus area as students' progress through the primary years of schooling. Our whole-school approach focuses on developing students' Listening and Language Comprehension, which combined with decoding fluently, results in Reading Comprehension - the ability to make meaning from texts. Students are then able to 'read to learn' to analyse texts and be critical thinkers.
Teachers are encouraged to be self-reflective of their teaching and to know their impact on learners. Throughout teaching and learning cycles, formative assessment tasks are used to provide students with feedback so they can improve their learning outcomes in alignment to summative assessment tasks. We aim for students to be self-regulated learners who know their goals, how they are going and what they need to do to improve. This is supported by the use of Learning Walls and Bump It Up Walls.