Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) is our Roma State College school-wide framework which allows us to provide quality learning in an inclusive and caring environment. We value respect, responsibility, safety and commitment to learning. We are committed to modelling and enacting these values. Our mission is to inspire and empower all students to become lifelong learners within the school community and beyond.
At RSC, students are recognised for following our '4 Be' expectations.
Parent and Community Involvement
Parents and the wider community play an important role in creating a safe and supportive school environment. Schools benefit when school staff engage in regular positive, respectful interactions with students and their family.
Schools involve parents and the school community in developing the Student Code of Conduct. This helps to align the behaviour expectations of the school to community expectations and means everyone shares an understanding of what is expected.
Successful schools clearly communicate their expectations for student behaviour to students and their parents at enrolment and throughout the student's enrolment. When parents and school staff work together, student outcomes are improved. For example, studies have shown that school attendance, academic results and student behaviour and wellbeing are improved when schools work collaboratively with families.
Families can be involved in PBL implementation in many ways. For example, parents may be involved in creating a matrix for expected behaviours at home aligning with the school’s expectations. Families have the best knowledge of their child and are therefore important partners in the development of individual support plans for students.