Junior Seondary Curriculum
At Roma State College we inspire and empower all students to become lifelong learners within the school community and beyond. We recognise that the Junior Secondary phase of learning is critical to students' success in secondary education and to their broader lives. As a result, our effective curriculum design and delivery builds upon students' knowledge and skills from the primary phase, takes into account their current stage of development, their social emotional wellbeing, and prepares them for a variety of pathways in years 11 and 12, and beyond.
Our curriculum design and delivery are aligned to the Australian Curriculum and are intended to provide students with the foundational skills and cognitions required to prepare students for their chosen senior learning pathway and beyond.
Over the course of the Junior Secondary phase of learning, students will engage in quality learning experiences across core learning areas:
- English
- Mathematics
- Science
- Humanities and Social Sciences (History, Geography, Economics and Business, and Civics and Citizenship)
- HPE (Health and Physical Education).
Throughout years 7 and 8, students will sample a range of subjects including:
- The Arts (Visual Art, Media Art, and Dance and Drama)
- Technologies (Design and Technology, Digital Technologies)
- Agricultural Science.
As students move into the middle phase of secondary (years 9 and 10) they will have the opportunity to choose subjects to specialise in before selecting a course of study for years 11 and 12.
In addition, students have the opportunity to engage in additional programs to extend their knowledge and skills. For example, virtual STEM courses run by Queensland Virtual STEM Academy.
Senior Secondary Curriculum
The Queensland Certificate of Education
The Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) is awarded providing certain criteria are met including:
- 20 credits of sound achievement, pass or equivalent at a set standard. Twelve credits must be from Core courses studied for all 4 semesters.
- Literacy and numeracy requirements
If students have not met the full criteria at the end of Year 12 their 'learning account' towards the QCE remains open and they may continue to work towards their QCE for a number of years. Students receive detailed information about courses and the QCE in Years 10 and 11. More information about the QCE can be obtained at Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority (QCAA) or by speaking with the school's Guidance Officer.
Senior Secondary
Students finishing Year 12 all receive:
A Senior Statement showing all studies and results achieved by the end of Year 12. Students will be awarded an over all numerical score out of 100 and a level of achievement (A – E) for each General subject. Applied subjects will be reported using a level of achievement (A – E) only.
Students finishing Year 12 may be eligible to receive:
- a Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE)
- an Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR)
- an ATAR is a number between 0.00 and 99.95. ATARs increase in increments of 0.05.
- an ATAR will be calculated from an eligible student's best five subject results, one of which may be an Applied subject or a competency-based VET Certificate III or above.
- students must satisfactorily complete a QCAA English subject (C or better) to be eligible for an ATAR. However, a student's result in English will only contribute to their ATAR if it is one of their five best scaled subject results.
- a vocational education qualification depending on certificates completed.
- a Queensland Certificate of Individual Achievement (QCIA), if applicable.
Subjects Available in Year 10
Preparation for the Senior School occurs in Year 10. Students are encouraged to explore the options available and to consider what subject areas they want to experience in preparation for Senior School. Students in Years 10 and 11 receive detailed information about senior subjects and are invited to participate in information nights about course availability and choices.
Subjects Available in Years 11 and 12
Subjects are available in the following curriculum areas: English, Mathematics, Science, Social Science, The Arts, Health and Physical Education and Technology.
Other Courses of Study and VET
Accredited through external agencies are other courses of study including school-based apprenticeships or traineeships and certificate courses.