Student Absences
The school has high expectations around student attendance. Under the law, parents must make sure their child attends school on all school days unless they have a reasonable excuse.
Parents of students who are absent from school without explanation at 10:30am will receive a text message alert. This message requests parents to contact the school either by phone, return SMS or email to confirm the absence and reason.
If a medical practioner considers a student to be unfit for school, parents and carers are encouraged to provide medical certificate/s to the school to verify absences.
To register your child's absence
If you know your child will be absent from school or is sick, please use one of the following options to inform the school.
SMS: respond to the daily text message alert
Compass: login and advise absences through the app
QParents: login and advise absences through the app
Junior Campus
Phone: 07 4620 1111
Middle Campus
Phone: 07 4620 1333
Senior Campus
Phone: 07 4620 4212
Late to school
Students are required to arrive at school between 8:00 am and 8:35 am each day. School commences at 8:40am and concludes at 3:00pm. If a student arrives after the start of school, he/she must bring a note of explanation from their parent or carer to the office and sign in. Alternatively, parents can contact the school office by phone to advise explanation of why a student will be late. Students who arrive late without explanation will receive a lunchtime detention.
What to do if your student needs to leave school during the day
If your student needs to leave the school grounds during the day, the student needs to provide a written note from a parent or caregiver. Alternatively, a parent or caregiver can phone or email the school office to arrange a leave pass for a student. ALL students must sign in and out through the office.
Organising a leave pass for your student prior to arriving on campus will save time for parents collecting students. Students cannot leave class without permission and their timetable may vary throughout different times of the year. If a student without a pass is required to leave during class time, as students cannot be paged, it may take some time to locate the student to relay a message, resulting in delays for waiting parents and caregivers.
We encourage parents to schedule all routine medical or health appointments either before or after school or during the school holidays. While we understand this is not always practical, we appreciate your cooperation in supporting our high expectations for student attendance.
Exemptions from schooling
Students who are absent from school for more than ten consecutive school days (because of illness or family matters for example) require an exemption.
Principals may approve exemptions of less than one year where there is an appropriate reason and/or it would be inappropriate for the child to attend. These reasons should be discussed with the Principal in the first instance.
Please contact the school office for advice if your child requires an exemption from schooling.