Bring Your Own 'x' (BYOx) is a new pathway supporting the delivery of 21st Century learning. It is a term used to describe a digital device ownership model where students or staff use their personally-owned mobile devices to access the department's information and communication (ICT) network.
Unfortunately, schools no-longer receive funding from the Federal Government for the procurement of technology devices. RSC purchased 235 laptops through the National Secondary Schools Computer Fund (NSSCF) in 2011 and 2013. The increased access to technology through this program provided learning opportunities to students that were not possible without one-to-one (1:1) access to a technology device. Moving forward, the school must look at ways to provide access to computers for students, including the BYOx program, whilst insuring it remains cost effective for parents.
Technology facilitates the creation and sharing ofknowledge. It provides the extensive ability to shareinformation locally and globally. By utilising virtualclassrooms and online learning environments, students can research, collaborate, present, create, refine and represent knowledge in contemporary and meaningful ways. Access to1:1 technology allows students to transition seamlessly from learning at school to home, and in between. It provides opportunities for students to be challenged by tasks that were once inconceivable; truly transforming learning and preparing students to be the innovators, entrepreneurs and digital leaders of tomorrow.
Students and parents or caregivers should thoroughly read and understand the charter.
Parent Portals
At the moment, Dell, Acer and Compnow have offered their services to provide an opportunity for parents to purchase commercial grade devices directly from them using "parent portals". The devices available in the portal are all vetted by the school.
These devices, while more expensive, are sturdier and more robust as well as offering on site warranty therefore reducing the downtime you may experience in the event of a technical issue. Parents also have the option of purchasing insurance and other peripherals.
We recommend you to have a look at each device's specification to see what fits your requirement.
The Dell portal can be accessed at:
For all other enquiries, please contact the Senior Campus Office or via email at